Can I use Acrylic Lacquer Topcoat Clear on 2 pack paint?

Septone Acrylic Lacquer is suitable for use over acrylic primers, acrylic paints and 2 pack paints that have all been correctly prepared.

Can I use Super Etch Primer on aluminium?

Yes, it provides excellent adhesion to most metals including mild steel, aluminium, zinc anneal, galvanised iron, stainless steel, lead, brass and copper.

What is the coverage of a 400g can of Super Etch Primer?

Coverage: 8m2/L at 20 microns dry film thickness.

What is the preferred drying time?

Allow 30 minutes to dry before applying a subsequent appropriate primer.

Can I use Septone Car Filler on stainless steel?

Yes, it provides excellent adhesion over mild steel, stainless steel, aluminium, fibreglass, wood, concrete, and cement.

Can I use the product on wooden furniture?

Septone Car Filler is ideal for repairs to motor vehicles, boats, trailers, caravans, brickwork, concrete, guttering, furniture and hundreds of other repairs around the house.

Can I use Chassis Black on my tin roof and guttering?

Yes, iron roofs, for guttering and for metal structures. It has waterproofing and sound deadening properties to the coated surfaces.

Can I thin Chassis Black to use through a spray gun?

Yes, thinning of the product with 5% Mineral Turpentine is recommended if spraying (depending on the spray gun air pressure) but is not required if using a brush.

Can you spray Hammer Finish Paint over bare metal with no primer?

Hammer Finish can be applied directly to bare steel. However, non-ferrous metal surfaces such as galvanised steel and aluminium should be primed with Septone Super Etch Primer. 

Can I thin down Hammer Finish?

Yes, we would recommend no more than 5% white solvent.

Is Mr Buff only used in automotive applications?

Mr Buff is a premium quality paste cutting compound recommended for automotive, marine and general industrial applications.

Can I dilute Mr Buff?

Yes may be diluted with up to 10% water prior to use, making it more economical to use than some cutting compounds.

Will it reduce the rate of the cut?

Yes, the addition of water will reduce the rate of cut.

What is the flash point?

Highly flammable. Flash Point < -30°C.

Do I use Wax & Grease Remover prior to sanding the surface?

Wax & Grease Remover is typically applied before and after all sanding operations, prior to painting operations, during the refinishing of a vehicle’s paintwork.

What is the best method to apply the product?

Use product direct from the container. Saturate a clean, soft cloth with the product and then wipe over the surface, begin at the top of the job and work down using a circular motion.

Working on heavy built up areas, would you recommend changing wipe down cloths?

For areas suspected of large amounts of wax or grease, change cloths regularly. Do not let the product dry out on the job.

What is the preferred mixture ratio?

Add 1-part Ali Brite to 7-parts cold water. Heavy soiling may require a more concentrated solution.

Can I use Ali Brite on Highly polished aluminium surfaces?

Do not use on anodised surfaces, highly polished aluminium, bronze, copper, mild steel or glass surfaces.

Can I use Ali Brite to clean my mag wheels?

Special care needs to be taken when cleaning mag wheels – Ali Brite can be used in machine finished or open pore cast aluminium wheels.

Can I use Ali Brite on polished aluminium?

Do not use on anodised surfaces, highly polished aluminium, bronze, copper, mild steel or glass surfaces.

Can I use a spray applicator to apply Ali Brite?

Do not apply with a mist application. Do not allow the product to dry out on the job. Hose off thoroughly with high pressure water.

Does C-Thru Glass Cleaner contain ammonia?

C-Thru does not contain ammonia and is therefore suitable for use by people who react adversely to ammonia mists.

Other than glass cleaning, what other applications can I use C-Thru for?

It may safely be used on glass and tinted windows, windscreens, mirrors, white goods, laminated surfaces, chrome and stainless-steel surfaces, ceramic tiles and porcelain.

Will C-Thru damage paint work on vehicles?

C-Thru will not damage paintwork, upholstery or rubber. However, prior to use on tint films and clear plastic surfaces such as Perspex, acrylic or polycarbonate perform a spot test on an inconspicuous area in order to ascertain whether or not the C-Thru attacks the surface.

What is the preferred dilution ratio?

C-Thru is designed to be used neat, but in hotter climates may work better if diluted 1:1 with water.

Will it damage paint work and upholstery?

No, C-Thru will not damage paintwork, upholstery or rubber.

What is the preferred dilution rate?

When hand washing, dilute TW20 with up to 100 parts of water (i.e., add a minimum of 100 mL of TW20 to a 10 L bucket of water) and mix until dissolved.

How long would I leave the product on the surface for?

Leave for 3-5 minutes, then hose off with water and allow to dry or chamois dry.

Is Degrease It water based, or solvent based?

It is solvent-free, phosphate-free, biodegradable water-based degreaser formulated to remove heavy deposits of grease, oil, dirt and grime from machinery, engines, concrete floors and most badly soiled substrates.

What is the preferred time to allow Degrease It to work the area?

Allow 5-10 minutes for the Degrease-It to penetrate, then hose off thoroughly. In areas where a build-up of old grease has occurred, a second application of Degrease-it may be required.

What is the ideal mixture ratio?

It should be diluted at least 1:1 with water prior to use.

Can it be used through a pressure washer?

Yes, Degrease-it should be diluted in a ratio of 1 part Degrease-it to 4 parts water. 

Can Oilsolve affect paint surfaces?

Oilsolve will not affect painted surfaces, will not cause streaking and is free rinsing.

How long can I leave the product on the surface?

Allow 10-15 minutes for the degreaser to soak into the grease, oil and dirt or work the product into the deposit before hosing off. 

Can Parts washer to be used to replace Kerosene?

Parts Wash has a higher flash point than kerosene. It therefore has a lower risk of flammability and a lower level of vapors in the air when used instead of kerosene.
Note: Always wear impervious gloves when emptying the Parts Wash into the immersion tank or when placing objects into or taking objects out of the immersion tank.

What is the preferred dilution ratio?

Washing cars, trucks and buses, dilute 1-part Superclene with up to 30 parts water. Apply by sponge or using spray equipment, then rinse with high pressure water.
Cleaning workshop floors dilute 1-part Superclene with 5 parts water. Apply by brush, leave for 10-15 minutes to aid penetration, rework stubborn stains again with the brush, then hose off.
General cleaning dilute 1-part Superclene with 30-100 parts of water, depending on the degree of soiling.

What is the difference between Rust Prime, Rust Convertor, Rust Shield & Rust Proof?

AURC Rust Prime 
AURC Rust Prime is a water-based chemical that converts rust to an inert black compound and simultaneously primes and seals the metal surface so that it is ready for subsequent priming and top coating.
Please note rust prime is not suited as an automotive primer.

AUR Rust Convertor
AUR Rust Convertor, is a concentrated phosphoric acid based, used as a pre-painting treatment for converting surface rust (iron oxide) to iron phosphate, which forms an ideal base for further protective coatings.

AURU Rust Shield
AURU Rust Shield, it is a heavy bodied, waterproof, anti-corrosive, noise suppressing black compound fortified with bitumen, waxes and corrosion preventatives that produces very good seam penetration.
Once dry it forms a durable, flexible coating with a stippled surface finish that provides excellent resistance against stone chip damage.

AURP Rust Proof 
AURP Rust Proof is a heavy-duty corrosion preventative coating that dries to a soft brown waxy protective coating. It is designed to inhibit the formation of rust in internal box sections, door cavities, sills and pillars in motor vehicles.
It is designed to inhibit the formation of rust in internal box sections, door cavities, sills and pillars of motor vehicles.

How long after using Rust Prime can I paint the surface?

Allow to react with the surface and dry. This process will take approximately 2-3 hours, depending on the ambient conditions, and is characterised by the surface turning black.

Can I use Rust Prime on galvanised iron?

Rust Prime may be used on rusted galvanised roofs or surfaces, ornamental ironwork, fencing, structural steel, gutters, sheds, rusted nuts and bolts and hand tools. Note: Spot testing prior to use is recommended for all applications.

How long do I leave the Rust Convertor on the surface I am working on?

If treating a heavily rusted area, apply Rust Converter by brush, then allow the product to dry completely (30 minutes minimum).

What are the preferred metals to use this product for?

Rust Converter may be used on rusted galvanised roofs or surfaces, ornamental ironwork, fencing, structural steel, automotive panels, or rusted nuts and bolts and hand tools.

Is Rust convertor a permanent protection treatment?

Rust Converter provides temporary protection against rust but should not be considered as a coating which will stop subsequent rusting. Primer coats should be applied to the metal as soon as possible after the surface has been treated with Rust Converter.

Can I use Rust Sheild on my firewall?

It is designed to inhibit the formation of rust on the undercarriage sections such as floor pans, firewalls, chassis members and wheel arches etc. of motor vehicles, caravans and trailers.

Is it a bituminous product?

Yes, it is a heavy bodied, waterproof, anti-corrosive, noise suppressing black compound fortified with a heavy bodied, waterproof, anti-corrosive, noise suppressing black compound fortified with bitumen, wax and corrosion preventatives.

Can I use Rust Proof as an underbody protection?

Rust Proof is not recommended on exposed areas such as the underbody or wheel arches because the film could become damaged, preventing complete protection.

What are the preferred dilution rates? 

Dilute the product in a ratio of 1-part product to 120 parts water (85 mL or 1/3 cup per 10 L bucket of water). Apply the diluted product by cloth, sponge, mop, atomiser spray or machine. Rinse edible product contacting surfaces with potable water after use.

What surfaces can I use Pinearoma on?

Polished surfaces, fabrics, enamel, stainless steel, glass, leather, ceramics, laminates, wood or plastics, Pinearoma will not affect paint.

What is the preferred dilution rate?

For commercial/household grade disinfectant, dilute this product in a ratio of 1-part Lemon X-5 to 80 parts water 125 mL or 1/2 cup per 10 L bucket of water.

What surfaces can I use Lemon X-5 on?

Lemon X-5 will not affect paint, polished surfaces, fabrics, enamel, stainless steel, glass, leather, ceramics, laminates, wood or plastics.

Will it reduce unpleasant odours?

It will reduce unpleasant odour emissions in sewage treatment plants, waste disposal sites, compactors, waste bins and grease traps (in such cases, Lemon X-5 is generally diluted at a rate of 1 : 40 with water, and the diluted product is then applied directly onto the site to be deodorised). Lemon X-5 may also safely be used in the deodorising of septic systems. 

What is the appearance of Protecta Grit?

Pale pink paste, gritty texture, pleasant ‘green’ herbal fragrance.

Does Protecta Grit contain Aloe Vera?

It contains lanolin, Aloe Vera, Vitamin E and jojoba oil. Protecta Grit is silicone-free, which is vital in the automotive refinish industry.

What industries is Protecta Pink best suitable for?

Hardworking hands in mechanical and industrial workshops and mines, on building sites, farms, fishing trawlers and oil rigs. It is also the ideal product for the handyman.

Does it contain Aloe Vera?

It contains lanolin, Aloe Vera, vitamin E and jojoba oil. This product is silicone free, which is important in the automotive refinish industry.

Is Orange Scrub silicone free?

Orange Scrub is silicone-free, which is vital in the automotive refinish industry.

Does the product contain pumice?

It contains high quality citrus oils and fast working pumice abrasive and possessing a pleasant orange fragrance.

Does Citra Scrub contain aloe vera?

Yes, it contains aloe vera, high quality citrus and pine oils, highly biodegradable anionic and non-ionic surfactants, abrasive, lanolin derivative, & vitamin E.

What is the appearance of Citra Scrub?

Bright yellow/green gel with gritty texture, pleasant citrus fragrance.

Does Citra Scrub contain aloe vera?

Yes, Citra Scrub also provides natural moisturising and super fatting to the skin through the incorporation of a lanolin derivative as well as, vitamin E and jojoba oil.

Is it silicone free?  

Citra Scrub is silicone-free which is vital in the automotive refinish industry.

Is it a recommended replacement for solvent-based hand cleaners?

Protecta Gold as a replacement for solvent-based hand cleaners will reduce the risk of industrial dermatitis.

Does it contain aloe vera?

Yes, aloe vera, vitamin E, jojoba oil and a lanolin derivative to provide a natural moisturising and super-fatting to the skin.

What is the appearance of Protecta Gold?

Lemon fragrance, surfactant-based cleanser with scrubbers.

Is Nature Clean solvent-free?

Yes, it is a solvent free water based industrial strength hand cleaner designed to remove most industrial soils, including dirt, med, dusts, cola dusts, oils, greases and solvents.

Will the ingredients reduce industrial dermatitis?

Nature Clean as a replacement for solvent-based hand cleaners will reduce the risk of industrial dermatitis.

What is the appearance of Nature Clean?

Viscous pale green gritty liquid, pleasant soapy fragrance.

What colour will Gel Coat repair cure?

Gelcoat Repair Filler cures to a brilliant white finish.

Is it pH Neutral?

Yes, Boat Wash & Wax Cleaner is non-toxic, non-caustic, biodegradable, pH neutral and high foaming.

What is preferred dilution rate?

Add a minimum of 30mL of Boat Wash & Wax Cleaner to 5L of water (or ¼ cup of Boat Wash & Wax Cleaner to 10L of water in a bucket).

What Colour is it?

Hazy Yellow Liquid, negligible odour.

Is Drifter Hull Cleaner Acid based?

Yes, in contains phosphoric acid

Will Drifter Hull Cleaner work on yellow stained gel coat?

Yes, de-yellow Gel Coat 2-pack painted surfaces