1. Apply Septone Wax & Grease Remover to a lint free cloth & clean the area thoroughly.
  2. Once dry, apply a small amount of Mr Buff Cutting compound to the soft cloth provided inside the lid. Using firm pressure, rub the surface using a circular motion until the scuff marks are removed & the gloss develops. Mr Buff is a cutting compound which consists of a naturally occurring silica abrasive suspended in a paste. The grains cut & shatter as you polish to give you a progressive finer finish.
  3. If the scuff marks are still visible, sand area with a fine wet & dry 2000 grit sandpaper. Soak sandpaper in cold water for about 10 minutes. Carefully sand down the scuff mark without sanding through the clear coat. After sanding, apply Mr. Buff cutting compound to remove any sanding marks.
  4. Once all scuff marks have been removed, wash down surface & if required polish area with a car polish.